The Western African region comprise of 16 countries and is the most populous region in the continent. Its GDP returned to a strong growth in 2021, bouncing back from the Covid-19 pandemic, and with stable outlook in 2023 above 4%. There is vast business potential in various sectors, 特别是在“西非沿海”沿线国家提供的投资机会; Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Nigeria, Senegal, and Togo.

西非一些国家的经济基本面和营商环境正在迅速改善. There is progress on reforms to improve the markets business environment, thus offering ease in doing business through conducive environments and incentives.

However, doing business in the region presents challenges. There are lingering geopolitical concerns and diverse country situations. However, the perception of risk often exceeds real risk. 对于那些愿意学习和了解该地区复杂性的商业领袖来说,确实有发展和成功的机会. Understanding the local context will help to better realign actual and perceived risk.

Still, 随着各国致力于增加区域贸易,并可以依靠资源丰富的年轻劳动力,预计增长将继续. As West Africa’s potential grow, and its economy continues to expand, the opportunities for businesses to trade across the region are endless. 非洲大陆自由贸易区(AfCFTA)的前景使这一点更加突出,西非沿海地区的增长加速.


Coastal West Africa host major cities, ports, agroindustries, fisheries, development of green energy, and production of the region. It hosts an abundance of natural resources, on land and at sea, which provide vital ecosystem services. 这些资源有助于推动经济增长,增强应对气候变化的能力.

There are some key trends and developments, primarily within digital technology, transportation, healthcare, and energy 这些因素导致了西非沿海国家的经济加速增长. 在考虑投资目的地时,这些趋势可能与公司相关的国家有所不同.

  • Digitech: digitalisation & innovation providing solutions to daily challenges

在过去几年中,整个非洲的技术生态系统经历了惊人的增长, mainly boosted by a torrent of venture funds, development finance, corporate involvement, as well as ever-growing, innovative communities. 移动电话的覆盖范围在整个大陆持续增长,在一些国家,移动电话用户超过了每100个居民100个. Over 77 per cent of people in Africa are now within reach of a 3G signal, and almost one third have internet access.

  • Transportation: urban transport as vector for growth

西非沿海地区仍然是世界上城市化速度最快的地区之一. In Côte d’Ivoire, Nigeria and Ghana combined, 预计未来20年城市人口将翻一番,到2040年将占非洲城市人口的20%左右. With this expansion, 与公共服务特别是城市交通相关的一些结构性挑战. 各国制定了大胆的目标,升级包括道路在内的交通基础设施, logistic systems, airports, and ports.

  • Healthcare: supporting healthcare needs in a post-covid context

In the face of the pertaining challenges, 各国正在加倍努力,升级卫生保健基础设施,改善获得卫生保健服务的机会. 西非沿海地区仍然面临传染病和非传染性疾病的挑战,这些疾病仍然制约着增长.

  • Energy: improving electricity access through cleaner energy solutions

非洲正处于能源转型阶段,需要保持平衡的能源结构,以管理短期能源安全,并建立长期轨道,使实现低温室气体排放与实现人口福祉的关键目标相协调. Electricity consumption is expected to continue to grow significantly, especially with increased urbanization and expansion of the population in the region.  As the energy needs in the region continue to grow and energy insecurity remains, 银天下需要制定长期战略,利用其巨大的可再生能源资源,这与《银天下注册》的目标是一致的.


The full report Coastal Western Africa: Turning Challenges to Opportunities 提供在快速发展的国家开展业务的见解,并通过银天下深度分析和实例提供关键行业机会. The report is supported by the Embassy of Sweden covering Senegal, The Gambia, Guinea, Côte d’Ivoire, Togo, and Benin.

Contact us today for a copy of the full report and to discuss business opportunities with us. Business Sweden’s continent-wide presence in Africa, built on a foundation of understanding local business, trade, political and social practices, will support a smooth market entry. We are happy to discuss how we can support you in growing your business.

For more information on Business Sweden West Africa, click here.