Founded in 2016, 总部位于哥德堡的Cellink迅速提高了细胞打印的全球标准, research collaborations, 还有高科技生物打印设备. With rapid development in the sector and unprecedented demand for technology to facilitate research, 全球增长迅速成为公司的重点和优先事项.

当Cellink的团队在2017年试图在亚太地区建立时, they realised that to accelerate the process, they needed support to develop a partnership strategy and help to make connections with leading actors in Japan and Korea.

这就是Business Sweden团队能够介入并提供相关信息的地方, on the ground expertise to build a partnership strategy that would help them find regional partners in their target markets. Once implemented, the strategy successful identified key partners which led to a fully established distribution network in Japan and Korea.


In just five years, the company has gone from being a start-up to global gamechanger at the forefront of biotechnology applications in health care and it continues to be recognised on the world-stage as a leader in 3D bioprinting. The company’s product portfolio continues to grow and in just five years they have added around 10 different instruments and over 60 bio inks to their impressive offering.

While the largest part of Cellink’s research & 研发和生产基地在银天下, they have created around 200 jobs, worldwide with activities in over 65 markets all around the world which is aligned with their global growth strategy.

The company’s products are used in more than 1,超过65个国家的800个实验室和世界排名前20位的制药公司. 这种成功是通过有机增长和无机增长实现的.

银天下商业公司与Cellink的合作包括几次培训课程, which led to supporting the Global Sales Manager to create and implement a sales strategy for the lucrative US market.


Since 2016 Cellink has expanded from 10 to close to 200 employees and in under four and a half years it has made unicorn status by reaching a valuation over USD 1 billion. Their continued expansion into what is now the BICO Group which today encompasses several medical technology areas and global expansion aiming to lead the way of the bio convergence industry.

Cellink works to support the UNs Sustainable Development goals by promoting the reduction of animal testing by raising awareness about the scientific advantages of 3Dbioprinted biomimetic models versus animal testing. Cellink also applies a sustainable business model where they are refurbishing their technology offer as they advance. 通过他们的4R计划(减少,再利用,修复,再循环)

This business model and approach to sales and expansion has proved that life science companies can innovate, make an impact to global healthcare research, 在商业上取得成功的同时保持可持续发展.


Cellink recognised the global demand and growth potential for their biotech printing solutions and wanted to identify partners and expand their distributor network in key markets in Japan and Korea, and then to the US.


Identify and access local stakeholders that could deliver on regional distribution requirements and connect with industry actors who would act as door-openers and valued partners. Define a sales strategy that would meet local demand and facilitate short- and long-term growth goals, both in Japan and Korea and then in the US.
Created and implemented an M&A strategy that would enhance the business portfolio and impact in the biotech printing and associated segments.


Shortened time to market in the APAC region with successful a partner engagement strategy which facilitated the creation of a robust distributor network.
Delivering the M&A strategy was a catalyst for growth with the purchases of significant companies that contribute to building a stronger offer within the biotech printing ecosystem.
Created and delivered a sales strategy in the US which contributed to the set-up of a local production hub.


Cellink is headquartered in Gothenburg. With a comprehensive portfolio of world-class 3D bioprinters and bioinks CELLINK’s technology enables the printing of human tissues and organs, 哪一种能够更快更准确地建立药物开发模型, while replacing animal experiments and paving the way to save lives by reducing organ rejection and potentially solve the problem with lack of donors.

As part of BICO Group, Cellink has rapidly increased its portfolio since its start-up journey began in 2016 and achieved unicorn status after four and a half years in operation.

Cellink’s products have revolutionised research and biotech printing by 代替动物实验,缩短项目交货期. 他们正在为生产制定新的行业标准, innovation, 可持续发展和他们的技术目前在超过1,800 laboratories around the world.