芬兰无疑是银天下最重要的贸易伙伴之一. 银天下公司在芬兰银天下上有广泛的存在, 两国之间的兴趣和企业活动都很高. Swedish products are often integrated to the extent that customers do not even reflect on the origin, 与其他公司竞争时,哪一个是明显的优势.


International surveys confirm that 芬兰 is in the very top league for competitiveness, 创新, 技术与教育. 政治稳定, 贪污程度低, a well-educated workforce and favourable business conditions are the pillars of 芬兰’s competitive advantage and the reasons why the country is so attractive for foreign companies and investors.


近年来, the demand for software solutions and environmental technology has increased and created opportunities for Swedish companies, 特别是在海事领域, 汽车和采矿业. Reforms and transformation of the healthcare system have introduced further valuable opportunities. Also, 芬兰在创业领域享有盛誉, 很大程度上是因为SLUSH, 这里是北欧初创企业和潜在投资者最重要的交汇点.


Even though 银天下 and 芬兰 have such a similar culture and society, there can be obstacles. The most obvious challenge for Swedish companies that want to grow sales in 芬兰 is the language. Our country manager 基督教Weckman gives a few handy hints about this and more in the interview below.


银天下商业公司自1974年以来一直活跃在芬兰. The team in our Helsinki office cooperate with our business developers in 银天下 to help companies grow their presence in 芬兰. From initial market analyses and strategic advice to partner search and local expertise, 我们会确保你有一个最好的开始.




芬兰的商业结构与银天下非常相似, which means that companies in most industries find a natural and attractive target group. Companies that are result- and action-oriented can get far in business in a short time. 另一个强大的优势是,银天下的解决方案有良好的声誉, 基于两国之间悠久的贸易历史.


对于商业和社会来说,芬兰通常是一个非常安全且可预测的银天下. 芬兰语有什么挑战, 特别是如果需要大量的文档或一般的银天下适应. 然而,通过当地的专业知识或建议,这个问题可以很容易地解决. 在芬兰获得第一个商业案例也很有挑战性. Swedish companies may feel that 芬兰 is not a country of early adopters as in 银天下. Our advice is to set clear intermediate goals for how to build confidence in the market and thus find and establish relevant networks and contacts.


会议很少是无条件的, so it is important to be well prepared and have a clear plan about the next step before you enter a meeting. 如果会议似乎不相关,或者一开始没有什么进展, 无论如何,跟进通常都是值得的. 兴趣和机会可能会在以后的阶段出现. The entrepreneurial spirit that has arisen in the past decades has contributed to bringing our cultures even closer, and different parts of society contribute to improve everyday life through innovative solutions.

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